These general conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by Isabelle Brent, domiciled in CAUMONT (62140) France, 4 route de Tollent, SIRET n °: 518 980 164 00017, holder of the domain name hereinafter referred to as isabellebrent. com
and on the other hand, by any natural or legal person referred to belowthe buyer,
wishing to make a purchase via the online store selling pictorial works.OBJECT:
These conditions of sale aim to define the contractual relationship between Isabelle Brent and the buyer, as well as the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the site of the online store.,
whether the buyer is a professional or a consumer.
The acquisition of a work on this site implies unreserved acceptance by the buyer of these conditions of sale. These conditions will prevail over all other general or special conditions, not expressly approved by reserves the right to modify its conditions of sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the buyer's order.
The characteristics of the pictorial works offered are specified in the sales shop on this
Each work of art is original and accompanied by a description as well as a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist Isabelle Brent, during any acquisition on its exclusive site The reproductions which are offered in limited editions alongside some of his works are clearly defined as such and naturally priced much lower than the original, of which they are faithfully reproduced.
For their presentation on this site, the works have been digitized in the best current technical conditions. However and despite the very high technological level implemented, there may remain for some colors, very slight nuances between the original and the rendered image. All texts and images presented on are reserved for the entire world, under copyright and intellectual property. Their reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited.
The pictorial works are offered online for an indefinite period.
The prices appearing next to each pictorial work presented in the shop, are expressed in Euro and all taxes included. They are established on the basis of an estimate made by accredited art experts, on a permanent panel representative of the different categories of the artist's creation (drawings, watercolors, gold vellum, illuminations, illustrations). They also include the costs of processing orders, as well as part of the costs of transport and delivery to buyers. A flat-rate contribution to these costs is specified for each work proposed. reserves the right to modify them at any time according to the needs of the art market and the estimates of duly certified experts.
The online sale of works presented on the site is open to buyers from all over the world. For sales and delivery outside the European area, taxes and customs formalities are the sole responsibility of the purchaser, unless otherwise stipulated. The buyer then undertakes to personally check the possibilities and conditions for importing the works ordered, with regard to the regulations of the country of delivery.
The purchaser who wishes to acquire a pictorial work on the site, must subscribe to the following obligations:
- complete the identification form on which he will indicate all his contact details.
- validate his order after having carefully checked it.
- validate his delivery address.
- make the payment under the conditions provided.
- confirm their order and payment.
The confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, the recognition of having full knowledge of them, as well as the waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.
All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will constitute formal proof of the transaction. This same confirmation will be worth signature and acceptance of the operations carried out. will communicate by e-mail confirmation of the recording of the order.
The amount of purchases made on the site is payable when ordering. Payments will be made by credit card, through the secure STRIPE or PAYPAL systems, or by bank transfer.
In the event of acquisition of one or more of his pictorial works by the purchaser, the artist transfers to the purchaser, without limitation of duration, the support of the work or works acquired, as well as the whole the economic rights which are attached to him or to them, namely the right of representation within the framework defined below, in accordance with article L.122-7 of the Code of Intellectual Property, and to retain only his moral rights. The purchaser may exhibit the work or works thus acquired in any location of his choice, present it or them to the public, including to a relocated public, transfer it, lend it or rent it.
You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason, within fourteen days which expires after the date or you or a third party other than the carrier and designated by you, takes physical possession of the pictorial work. . To exercise this right, you must notify of your decision by means of an unambiguous statement to be sent by email to the following address: This must respect the 14-day deadline as provided by law. You must then return the work in its initial state to Isabelle Brent- 4, route de Tollent 62140 Caumont (France), without undue delay, so that the refund operation can be carried out. This right of withdrawal only applies in the European area.
Upon receipt of the work or works making the withdrawal, will reimburse the amounts exactly received from the initial transaction. The refund will be made upon receipt of the work or works in return, by the same means of payment used during the initial transaction. The purchaser must ensure the proper delivery of the work or works returned as part of his right of withdrawal, so that they reach in their initial state. All return costs remain in all cases the responsibility of the purchaser.
If the execution of the order proves to be exceptionally impossible, undertakes to notify its customer as soon as possible. In this case, the amounts paid will be immediately returned to the purchaser by any means at his convenience. The works are delivered to the address indicated by the purchaser on the order form. They must be carefully checked before shipping and processing the order by In case of return of the order for an incorrect address, the transport costs are fully borne by the purchaser. The purchaser is required to scrupulously check the condition of the packaging on delivery and to make the usual reservations to the carrier in his presence, in the event of deterioration of the packaging and its contents. not subject to reservations sent to the carrier by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt within 48 hours, with a copy by email to, will be considered accepted (article L.133.3 of the Commercial Code)
In the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means. Its liability cannot be incurred for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network, such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, interruption of service or any other unforeseeable event that may arise from its use.
All the elements constituting isabellebrent .com, are and will remain the intellectual and exclusive property of Isabelle Brent or her successors in title. No one is authorized to reproduce, explore, redistribute or use in any way and for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site, whether software, visual or sound. Any single or hypertext link is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of
These general conditions of sale are subject to French law and the official language for their application is French. cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract concluded with the purchaser, on the one hand in the event of force majeure, in particular partial or total neutralization of the economic means necessary for to allow it to '' fulfill its own obligations.
In the event of a dispute arising, an amicable solution will be sought as a priority. In the event of failure, the French Courts will have sole jurisdiction.